December 18, 2014


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2015. 
Enjoy your holiday and have a great time with all your family and friends!

Twinkle Twinkle - HH2A

Twinkle Twinkle - HH2B

Down the Chimney - HH3A

Down the Chimney - HH3B

We wish you a merry Christmas - LH1A

We wish you a merry Christmas - LH1B

Let's decorate the Christmas tree - LH2A

Let's decorate the Christmas tree - LH2B


Making Christmas biscuits

Do you know how to make Christmas biscuits?

We read the story The little Gingerbread man and we decided we could made our own biscuits.

Children in HH3 looked up at the recipe and they made delicious biscuits. Wanna make them at home? Here you have the recipe:

- 1 Egg
- 170g Sugar
- 170g Butter
- 500g Flour

- Mix and knead all the ingredients
- Bake the biscuits for 15 min at 180ºC
- Decorate the biscuit

Enjoy your meal!

December 17, 2014

We wish a Merry Christmas to our Italian friends

Continuing with our European friendship project we have recorded a Christmas carol in English and euskera. The 5Th grade students have done a hard work writing letters and preparing their Christmas show. Here you have the result.

Twinkle twinkle little star

3 year olds have learnt the clasical Christmas song " twinkle twinkle little star". Here you have them giving an incredible performance. Enjoy it and we wish you A Merry Christmas and a happy new Year 2015.

December 15, 2014

Look what we can do!

Students in LH2 have been learning about abilities. To show the relationship between age and ability they made some posters about babieschildrenteenagersadults andelderly people

After making the posters they were given some tips to prepare their presentations and they made an amazing work. Their written and speaking skills are improving while they are having fun preparing this projects. 

December 09, 2014


We are students of DBH 1 and in Social Sciences we have studied Prehistory. Prehistory is divided in three periods: Palaeolithic Age, Neolithic Age and Metal Ages. We have made scale models of plasticine explaining these three different periods. If you are interested in seeing our works, you have them shown in the first floor of Artxandape Ikastola. Come and visit us!!!

December 05, 2014


Children in HH2 have a new friend... Incy Wincy Spider!!

They love singing this song and doing the finger game... Try it at home!

The artist who painted a blue horse

We have been learning about animals and colour through the story The artist who painted a blue horse... and kids in HH3 have become artist!

We made nice painting using finger paint, we mixed colours, and we have also learnt some songs... Have a look at these two!!

The noisy and quiet song - HH3A

The noisy and quiet song - HH3B

Walking in the jungle

November 27, 2014


Have you noticed that trees have changed their colour? It's autumn! We can see wonderful forest landscapes full of yellow, red or brown leaves. And we can also collect some nuts... Autumn is great!

Students in LH2 have been learning about the seasons and specially about autumn. We have worked on the elements of a tree and we sumed up everything by doing this project.

Have a look at our students' works!!

Autumn poster - LH2A

Autumn poster - LH2B

November 19, 2014


Today we have received our italian friends´ letters. All the five graders have been really happy to see their new friends faces. They are 19 girls and boys from a little village near Verona, Soave. We have learnt about their tastes and the history of their village, it has been really interesting!!!

Here you have some samples of the letters enjoy

November 10, 2014

Dotty's doll

Our young English learners in LH1 have been working on the topic "Move your body!".

After learning the different parts of the body, we listened to the story Dotty's doll and they loved it! We made this fun version of the story by acting out some parts... Hope you enjoy it!

We also learnt the face song!

And finally, we made our own doll following the instructions we learnt from the story. They made a great work... Have a look!

November 07, 2014

Welcome to the Zoo!

Year 4 students have learnt about the different habitats we can find in the world. They already know their characteristics and the fauna they can find in each one of them. Therefore, they have created a zoo at the ikastola to show everyone the habitat and lifestyle of different animals. Have a look! the process of building the zoo The Zoo finished

New penpals around Europe

This year,grade 4 and grade 5 students are going to meet students from all around Europe. These new school friends are going to be from Uk,Greece and Italy. If you want to check our partner schools these are their Names; 1.Moraitis school in Athens ( 4A and 4B Project: exchange cards through cambridge penpals) 2.Scuola primaria di Soave in Italy ( 5A and 5B Project: Activity agreed through The european educational etwinning platform) 3.Kenningtons Primary Academy in Uk (4A and 4B Project: letter exchange) Every month or every two months we are going to exchange letters or videos related to a topic.The aim of the project is to use English as a communicative tool and at the same time give the students the opportunity to know more about other cultures near us. Here you have an example of the 4 graders cards abouth the " where I live" topic

November 04, 2014

Jolly Phonics: Groups 1,2,3

Children love learning the letter sounds with Jolly Phonics, and the results are amazing!
We are back with groups 1, 2 and 3.
Do you want to practice them?

And if you need a little help with blending, have a look at these videos where you can see how the kids are learning to read. Words are broken down into the sounds they're made up from and then these sounds are 'blended' together to make the word.

Group 1: s, a, t, i, p, n

Group 2: c/k, e, h, r, m, d

Group 3: g, o, u, l, f, b

You can also have a look at this interesting article about Reception reading: How your child will learn to read at school

November 02, 2014


Primary 3rd level students have been working on My family topic. They have learnt what a Family tree is, and to show you their works, they´ve done these presentations. It´s been a tough work but also it´s been worthy.

October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!!

Tonight is the scariest night of the year... It's Halloween! Children love playing trick or treat and they enjoy behaving like scary witches, bats or ghosts.

Have a look at these art crafts we have made and enjoy the following Halloween song!

Knock, Knock.... Trick or treat?

October 10, 2014

Testing living things

Year five students have been learning the different characteristics of living things. In order to check their knowledge on the topic the other day they had to answer this question: Is yeast a living thing? To solve that, they followed the scientific method's steps preparing this great experiment. And the answer was YES IT IS. Yeast is a living thing, in this video you are going to be able to see how yeast breathes. Have a look and enjoy!

October 02, 2014

The wheels on the bus go round and round...

In HH3 we are learning about the topic Travels and Means of Transport. For that purpose our students are preparing an imaginary trip to some of the amazing places where they'll be able to practice English.

While we keep on working, here you have a nice song, kids love it!

October 01, 2014

September 22, 2014

Colour Mixing

Red, Yellow, Blue.... We have mixed up the basic colours to get some secondary colours such as Purple, Orange and Green.

Students in LH1 have practiced these three mixtures with primary colours:

September 09, 2014

Back to school... are you ready?

Welcome children, I'm glad you're here.
We're all going to have a wonderful year!
We'll draw and we'll write,
We'll sing and we'll play,
We'll paint and we'll build,
And learn new things each day!

September is here
And so is fall.
So welcome children
Welcome all.
I hope vacation
Was real fun.
And that you're glad
School has begun.

June 20, 2014


Wishing you all a happy summer holiday!

June 13, 2014


Five graders have made incredible projects on interesting inventors. This last term they have learnt how to use the past and how to write a good biography too. Here you have their beautiful work

June 05, 2014

Cup Song

After a few months working on it... It's finally here!

Our students in Primary, from the youngest in LH1 to the oldest in LH5, have been preparing this well known song. They have enjoyed so much that they wanted to practice it everywhere: at the classroom, at the playground... We are sure they've also practiced at home!!

It has been amazing to see how the youngest students learnt from the older ones and they all practiced together, while learning English through the music. Because learning is also having fun and enjoying ourselves...

Hope you like it!

June 01, 2014

Fruit Party

During this last unit, students in LH1 have been learning about food and different meals. We have also talked about party food, and we thought it was a great way to give it an end to have a real FRUIT PARTY at school.

They all brought a piece of fruit and they prepared their own fruit sticks. They all tasted different kinds of fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, melon, watermelon, strawberries, cherries, kiwi, plums…

We pretended to encourage them to have this super-healthy meal, which is really easy for kids to prepare it themselves. Try them at home, they really loved it!!

Thanks to our awesome photographers for these pictures: Pello, Aritz, Amane, Naroa, Peru …

Jolly Phonics

We go on with Jolly Phonics and keep on learning new sounds...
Now it's time for Group 6: y, x, ch, sh, th, TH

Let's practice!

Little Red Riding Hood

We are sure you all know the story about Little Red Riding Hood, don’t you? 

Our students in HH3 have been working on this story. They have learnt some funny songs and they want to show them to you. Hope you enjoy them as much as they do!

Little Red Riding Hood – HH3A

Little Red Riding Hood – HH3B

May 14, 2014


Which is your favourite farm animal?

Students in LH2 have learnt a lot about farm animals. What do they eat? What do we get from them? They worked in groups and they all made great works.

They shared their work with their classmates and here is the result!!

Farm animals - LH2A

Farm animals - LH2B

Here you have a game to play with these animals... FARM ANIMALS GAME
Let's see if you find all the pairs!

I'm hungry

Our english learners in HH2 have worked a lot in this unit. Sandwiches, bananas, apples or cakes have been part of our everyday work.

They want to show you these songs. Hope you like them!

I`m hungry - HH2A

I`m hungry - HH2B

May 05, 2014

Jolly Phonics

We keep on with Jolly Phonics!

Here you have the sounds in group 5: z, w, ng, v, oo, OO

English for the youngest

Our little english learners in 2-years-old classroom are enjoying a lot their english lessons. They have very fun and they have started learning their first songs and words in english.

Wanna practice with them?

What a surprise!

These last weeks in HH3 we have been working in groups. After learning all the stuff about the house and its rooms and furnitures, we have created our own houses.

We worked in groups, colaboratively and helping each other we made up some awsome houses...

Have a look and enjoy!!

We have also learnt some songs related to the topic.

What a surprise - HH3A

What a surprise - HH3B

April 27, 2014

Different landforms

Third graders have been learning the different types of landforms we can find on the Earth such as mountains, beaches, hills...


Hi everyone!! welcome back from Easter holiday. Here you can watch the incredible musical fourth graders did before going on holiday. Enjoy our awesome Musicians of Bremen show!!

April 09, 2014

DBH2 London 9th April

Gaur National Art Gallery museora joan gara, gida bat azalpenek koadro desberdinen berezitasunak ezagutzera eman dizkigu. Arratsaldean The Tower of London eta The Tower Bridge ikustera joan gara, eta azkenik Hyde Park Garden ikustera eta buelta bat ematera joan gara.

Hoy hemos ido al National Art Gallery Museum, hemos tenido un guía y nos ha explicado las diferentes historias de los cuadros. A la tarde hemos ido a ver Tower of London  y el Tower Bridge, además hemos visto y hemos paseado en el Hyde Park Garden.

DBH2 London 8th April

Gaur goizean Natural  History Museoa ikustera joan gara, han bitxikeria berri ugari ezagutu izan ditugu; besteak beste, animalien eboluzioaren inguruan. Arratsaldean, berriz, kalez kale ibili gara erosketetan.

Hoy a la mañana hemos ido al Natural History Museum, allí nos an explicado cosas como la evolución de los animales. Y ala tarde hemos callejeado para ir de compras.

April 08, 2014

DBH2 London 7th April

Goizean antzerki bat egin genuen Romeo eta Julieta.
Arratsaldean, ostera, tour bat hiria ezagutzeko!

Por la mañana fuimos a un teatro donde representamos Romeo y Julieta.
A la tarde en cambio, hicimos un tour: Big Ben, Westminster, Downing street, Buckingham palace, St. James Park...


If you are willing to know what is going to be the weather during eastern holiday , don´t panic here you have  the foresights made by third grade students.Enjoy

April 07, 2014


Fourth grade students have worked on five senses in science. Now they are able to explain you how we can see, taste, hear, smell or touch. In order to put in practice what they have learnt, they have created some senses stations. That way they have been able to experience their five senses in a very funny way


April 04, 2014

DBH2 Londresera!

Apirilaren 6an igandean DBH2. mailako ikasleak Londresera goaz, apirilaren 11an (ostirala) bueltatuko gara. Handik zelan gabiltzan esango dizuegu! Jarrai gaitzazue Blogean, Facebooken zein Twitterren!

Los/as alumnos/as de 2º de la ESO vamos a viajar el día 6 de abril (domingo) a Londres y volveremos el día 11 de abril (lunes). ¡Desde allí os iremos contando nuestra experiencia: en el Blog, en el Facebook y en el Twitter!

March 28, 2014


Have you heard about Pharrell Williams Happy video? It is well known all over the world and so is in Artxandape. Our kids and teachers in HH celebrated the International Hapiness Day, established by the United Nations on the 20th March, recording this fun video.

And remember... Artxandape is a HAPPY school !!

What time is it?

Second grade students have been learning about the time and the different daily routines. The made a clock so that they could practice with it through role playing. Here you have some examples...

Telling the time - LH2A

Telling the time - LH2B

And if you want to beat the pirates and cross the island... try this fun game!! Tell us in class if you manage to get till the end!

For playing click here:  TIME & ROUTINES PIRATE BOARD GAME

March 25, 2014

Hats and jobs

During this unit we have learnt about different jobs and work places in LH1. This way children can associate different professions with the specific clothing.

They feel like if they were real police officers, nurses or bus drivers and they use their imagination to do gestures and actions that are characteristic of people who wear these hats.

Hats and jobs - LH1A

Hats and jobs - LH1B

March 21, 2014

We have created two atlas about animals

Hi!! Fifth grade students have created two beautiful and interesting animals atlas. Have a look if you wish to know more about the interesting animal kingdom

March 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Cheeky!!

Cheeky Monkey is celebrating his birthday today!!

Happy birthday to you, 
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Cheeky
Happy birthday to you.

Thanks to all the kids for their drawings, kisses and hugs. Cheeky is having a great day!

March 14, 2014


Hi everybody!!! How are you doing? I hope you are ready to practice the cup song chant once and again. Here you have a short  video in which you can see the different steps you will have to follow. Have FUN!! :-)


 And in case you want to sing the lyrics here you have another video...


Here you can have a look at the original version...

March 10, 2014

New appearance in the blog

To make it easier for you, to find your presentations and projects, we have decided to give a new appearance to the blog.

Now you will find your works classified by the levels. You can find all the levels on the top of the page and by clicking there you will get to your specific works. 

Hoping that you like it, your comments will be welcomed, so that we can improve our site all together!

March 07, 2014

Review competition

     Bilbao Municipal Libraries towards with British Council organised a Book Review Competition. Children in first cycle of primary have been preparing their reviews this week. If you haven't got yours jet, you can still join the competition...

    Good luck to all the participants!

   We also want to inform you that the Castaños Municipal Library is organizing storytelling in english for kids aged 4-9. The next session will be held next wednesday, March 12, at 18:00. 

What do you like?

Cheeky monkey has became a great journalist. He wanted to know about the favourite foods of our students in HH3. Have a look and see what they answered! 

What do you like? - HH3A 


What do you like? - HH3B


Enjoy this sunny weekend

The plant cell

Fifth grade students have learnt the different parts of a plant cell. In order to show their new knowledge on the theme they have created incredible 3D cells as a project.They are amazing!

March 06, 2014

Knowing our skeleton

Do you know how many bones are in a human skeleton? or which are the long and short bones in our body? Fourth graders can give you the right answers to these questions and even more. Lately we have been learning on how does our body work, and related to that they have created incredible murals based on their skeletons. Here you can see their presentations Enjoy;-)

February 28, 2014


Cheeky Monkey had a great day at school today!!! So did all the kids!!!

Enjoy these days! Enjoy carnival!!

February 27, 2014

Making a town

First graders have been learning about different places in a town. To give it an end they made a town from recycled materials. They made amazing towns in both classrooms... Do you want to have a look?

Welcome to PATATA and KAKALANDIA!!

February 25, 2014

Jolly Phonics

Wanna practice the last sounds we learnt? 

Here you have the following letter sounds: ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or

February 12, 2014


These last weeks fourth graders have been learning the three different layers we can find in the top layer of the Earth, that is; Topsoil, subsoil and bedrock.
They have learnt their elements such as humus, air, rocks animals...

Here you can see their incredible presentations

February 03, 2014

we like, we like sports!!!!!!

This last month third grade students have learnt the names, rules and equipments of different sports. Here you can see them presenting what we need to play five different sports

February 01, 2014

Where are you?

We have been working on the concepts IN, ON and UNDER with students in LH1. We made a practical activity and we took some funny pictures.

Where are you? - LH1A

Where are you? - LH1B

If you feel like, have a go and practice the three prepositions shown in the following video:

January 31, 2014

Jolly Phonics

Our students in HH3 continue improving their reading and writing skills through Jolly Phonics. We have already worked on the first three groups.

Here you have some pictures to see how our great english learner are doing at school:

Or maybe you prefer practicing the songs of the last sounds that we learnt:

January 28, 2014

Look what they can do!

Learners in LH2 have been working on abilities. To show the relationship between age and ability they made some posters about babies, children, teenagers, adults and elderly people

After making the posters they were given some tips to prepare their presentations and they made an amazing work. Their speaking skills are improving while they are having fun preparing this projects. 

Have a look, enjoy and see what they can do!!

Look what they can do - LH2A

Look what they can do - LH2B

January 23, 2014

Students from 6A worked on a TV programme. It was a Chat Show. Here you can watch it and have a good time.
6A CHAT SHOW second part

CHAT SHOW 6B second part


Hello children!
After having worked about "the media" students decided that it could be a great idea to take part in a programme. So they did a Chat Show. Here you can see it and enjoy.