December 18, 2014


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2015. 
Enjoy your holiday and have a great time with all your family and friends!

Twinkle Twinkle - HH2A

Twinkle Twinkle - HH2B

Down the Chimney - HH3A

Down the Chimney - HH3B

We wish you a merry Christmas - LH1A

We wish you a merry Christmas - LH1B

Let's decorate the Christmas tree - LH2A

Let's decorate the Christmas tree - LH2B


Making Christmas biscuits

Do you know how to make Christmas biscuits?

We read the story The little Gingerbread man and we decided we could made our own biscuits.

Children in HH3 looked up at the recipe and they made delicious biscuits. Wanna make them at home? Here you have the recipe:

- 1 Egg
- 170g Sugar
- 170g Butter
- 500g Flour

- Mix and knead all the ingredients
- Bake the biscuits for 15 min at 180ºC
- Decorate the biscuit

Enjoy your meal!

December 17, 2014

We wish a Merry Christmas to our Italian friends

Continuing with our European friendship project we have recorded a Christmas carol in English and euskera. The 5Th grade students have done a hard work writing letters and preparing their Christmas show. Here you have the result.

Twinkle twinkle little star

3 year olds have learnt the clasical Christmas song " twinkle twinkle little star". Here you have them giving an incredible performance. Enjoy it and we wish you A Merry Christmas and a happy new Year 2015.

December 15, 2014

Look what we can do!

Students in LH2 have been learning about abilities. To show the relationship between age and ability they made some posters about babieschildrenteenagersadults andelderly people

After making the posters they were given some tips to prepare their presentations and they made an amazing work. Their written and speaking skills are improving while they are having fun preparing this projects. 

December 09, 2014


We are students of DBH 1 and in Social Sciences we have studied Prehistory. Prehistory is divided in three periods: Palaeolithic Age, Neolithic Age and Metal Ages. We have made scale models of plasticine explaining these three different periods. If you are interested in seeing our works, you have them shown in the first floor of Artxandape Ikastola. Come and visit us!!!

December 05, 2014


Children in HH2 have a new friend... Incy Wincy Spider!!

They love singing this song and doing the finger game... Try it at home!

The artist who painted a blue horse

We have been learning about animals and colour through the story The artist who painted a blue horse... and kids in HH3 have become artist!

We made nice painting using finger paint, we mixed colours, and we have also learnt some songs... Have a look at these two!!

The noisy and quiet song - HH3A

The noisy and quiet song - HH3B

Walking in the jungle