October 29, 2013

Halloween is coming!!!!!!

Halloween is coming! Witches, zombies and vampires are allowed! Are you going trick or treating that night?

Here you have some useful vocabulary for that scary night

October 25, 2013

Jolly Phonics

Realizing the importance of English and in order to improve the reading and writing skills, as well as speaking skills, the method Jolly Phonics has been implemented during this school year.  

We are already working on the five basic skills:

      1. Learning the letter sounds
      2. Learning letter formation
      3. Blending
      4. Identifying sounds in words
      5. Spelling the tricky words

Here you have a few pictures to show how hard Elementary Education students are working. 

In the following video you can practice the letter sounds from group one: 

s, a, t, i, p, n.

Making an inventory

    During the last weeks second grade students (LH2) have learnt the names of the different places and furniture we can find in the school. We also worked on the activities we do in school: read, write, play, sing, draw, ...

    In order to give it a practical overview the children made an inventory of the equipment in both the classroom and the library.

Inventory - LH2A

Inventory - LH2B

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School Shapes

    LH1 students have been learning about the different equipment needed at school, such as the pencil, the school bag, the books, ...

    To reinforce their learning they made shape prints with all those objects. Have a look at them working really hard!

School Shapes - LH1A

School Shapes - LH1B

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October 21, 2013

Creating a city!

After having learnt the names of the different places we can find in our cities, 4th graders have created incredible models of their dreamed city. Have a look because they have done an incredibly great work!!!

October 11, 2013

We are scientist!!!

Fifth year students have become scientist for some weeks. To achieve that aim first they learnt the different steps that should be followed in a scientific project:
 Afterwards, they put it in practice:
First I made a question: Which paper is more absorvent?
They drawned up their hypothesis and to prove it we did an experiment.
We all went to the laboratory in order to check which paper was going to be the most absorvent.

Following what you are  going to see are the results the students got after the experiment. Was their hypothesis right or wrong?

Here you will find out, enjoy !!!

October 02, 2013


Hello everyone!!!
These last weeks, third grade students have been learning about the families and the family members. In order to show all the things they´ve learnt they all have made their own family trees. Here you have them, enjoy!!!